Written by Sakhi Maheshwari
Edited by Apeksha Illustrated by Khushi Gangoria
Kindness is not a 'you' gesture,
It can just be a smile to a stranger.
- Poorva Damale
In a world where ‘to belong’ is a desperation
And' to be' is an ideology driven by fear,
It is the compliment from the unknown,
That blends the lines of utopia and reality.
“You look beautiful today.”
“You have pretty eyes.”
“Your smile is wonderful.”
Are the very compliments powerful enough
To make even the stubborn,
believe in this thing of beauty.
John Keats regards ‘a thing of beauty’
as a thing that has the ability of providing
the feeling of contentment in all things placid.
Perhaps in this journey,
It is all those little things that make a difference.
It is all those little things
that gives humanity a push ,
towards a way of living that isn't what many call unfair.
It is perhaps all those little things,
That puts a smile on a strangers face
and makes another ponder the world in a better light.
And maybe all those little things
gives the strength to another,
To throw out a compliment to another unknown.
A start of a chain reaction,
From one unknown to another,
Is perhaps the things of beauty,
That blends the line of utopia and reality.
Kindness and these little things of beauty
Is not a 'you' gesture,
It can just be a smile,
And that will make all the difference.
Inspiration from a classmate, the poem 'A Thing of Beauty 'and 'The Road Not Taken. '